Stop Playing Life On Hard Mode.

Join 10k+ readers of Easy Mode. Every Friday, you get a raw and real write up on how to rewire your mind, learn copy, and build digital real estate.


Free Guides

"These free guides are better than most people's paid stuff!" ~ Our Readers

My 6-Step Process: How I Easily Manifest $33k Days (Profit)

I've used this process to create everything from $33k+ days to apprenticeship with a 8-figure marketer to Twitter account with 30k+ followers. This guide reveals the exact steps I follow and why it works with 100% success rate.

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Ultimate Copywriting Protocol: $0 To $100k

I've been writing copy for eight years now and every day I field messages from people asking: "How exactly should I learn copy and make my first $100k?" I've put together this protocol to walk you through the exact steps. 

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Mindset Folder

I want to walk you through the 7 pages I build out every 6 to 12 months to construct a new identity. This guide reveals how to upgrade your character, rewire your mind, and create a new reality. 

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Who Is Tej Dosa?

Copywriter and inner explorer of human potential.

I'm a world class failure. Or at least, I would've been. And that’s because…

From 14-20, I started and failed at over 10 different businesses (with a few successes in between). From record labels to clothing companies to social networks to dating websites.

I was a total idiot, heading nowhere fast with stress induced lines on my face. And an empty bank account.

Meanwhile all my peers and cousins were chasing degrees and climbing corporate ladders, making bank. This only made me feel worse. Yet I could never join them…

And that’s because the conventional path made me want to head-butt a knife.

Conventional Path: Wake up to an alarm clock, do shit society tells you to do, repeat until you’re too old to work and die.  

It started with my first and only job at McDonald’s. From the first shift, I knew I wouldn’t last long. I was right...

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Proven Solutions

1,000+ happy (and deeply satisfied) customers.

Monthly Tej Dosa Letter

A Monthly Print Letter Containing My Personal Strategies, Tactics And Ideas For Building Out An 8-9 Figure Digital Ecosystem (In Real Time)

Get The Letters

6 Figure Promotions

A Direct-Response Course That Reveals The 3-Step “Copy-Conception” System (The One I “Ethically” Stole From A 8-figure Marketer And Personally Use Myself) For “Inventing” 6-7 Figure Copywriting Promotions From Scratch

Write High Converting Copy

Clean Your Inner World (CYIW)

45-Day Cohort That Leverages Powerful Inner-World Cleaning Technology To Help Online Entrepreneurs Clean Their Inner World Of Unconscious Blocks And Make More Money, Improve Performance And Build A Strong Mind

Start The Protocol


Read The Archives

Deep dives on mindset, copywriting and online business.

Copy Not Converting? Read This...

Dec 09, 2022

7 Figure Funnel Breakdown + How To Market (Step-By-Step)

Dec 08, 2022

How I Learned To Script My Life Like A Movie

Nov 22, 2022

Deep Dive Into Human Nature: What Do People Actually Want?

Nov 22, 2022

How Copywriting Saved My Life

Nov 22, 2022

Elite Marketing Lessons (Mass Control 101)

Nov 22, 2022



Become a private client and launch your 7-figure internet business.

1 goal. 3 phases. 10 sprints. 12 months.

Do you want to work together to rewire your mind, learn copy, and construct all the required elements to build and scale your business to L1 ($10k/month) to L2 ($50k/month) to L3 ($100k/month)? 

If so, we've helped hundreds of people navigate all or a part of this process (most of whom you'll see on Twitter) and can do the same for you with our entirely new "gamified" approach.

Our Proven Approach: 

We've systematized the entire journey to constructing a 7-figure offer into 3 phases which are composed of 10 sprints that will run you 12 months (or more).

Here are the 10 sprints to 7 figures

  • Sprint #1: Rewire your brain
  • Sprint #2: Become a top 1% executor 
  • Sprint #3: Learn the tools of the trade - High ROI Skills
  • Sprint #4: Pay your dues and collect XP 
  • Sprint #5: Build personal and/or business brand
  • Sprint #6: Grow micro-organic audience to 2500+ followers
  • Sprint #7: Craft your offer(s) and client acquisition machine
  • Sprint #8: Set up your back end and fulfillment
  • Sprint #9: Fuel the fire with horizontal and vertical scaling
  • Sprint #10: Grow to 7 figures 
With each sprint: You receive step-by-step training, case studies to show exactly how it's done, and an action protocol to complete the sprint. Your job is to simply complete the protocol, submit your work for review/audit, and move onto the next sprint. More sprints you complete, more success you unlock (and more $$$ you make). It's all practical and REAL WORLD ORIENTED.

In addition to the sprints: You also receive group coaching calls, accountability, copy critiques for every step of the way and quarterly CASE STUDIES from Tej showcasing his own 7-figure builds and what's currently working and what isn't (we don't just teach, we also do this ourselves - this is the most fun after all). 
Consider this not a course, mastermind, or program, but an all hands on deck consultancy for those who are serious about building and growing online offers. 
Apply Now

Stop playing life on hard mode.

Join 10k+ readers of Easy Mode and get a detailed write up every Friday on how to rewire your mind, write copy and build digital real estate.