Deep Dive Into Human Nature: What Do People Actually Want?

Nov 22, 2022

I love analyzing people to see where their addictions lie.

See what they seek.

See what they avoid.

See what they long for.

And from all the watching, plus reading and learning I’ve discovered something interesting about people. And what they actually want.

I’ve discovered the underlying truth guiding every person’s actions whether they realize it or not.

When you hear this underlying truth, you may or may not get it.

It may go over your head. Or it may resonate perfectly.

I don’t know.

But if you just think about it, you’ll see it clear as day not only in everybody’s actions. But in your own actions. You’ll discover the motivation behind your every action. And once you see this, you’ll be able to ‘scale’ this to the world at large. And experience a lot of success and good fortune in the process.

More importantly, you’ll lead a more empowering life because you’ll have grown conscious of what it is you’re actually seeking. And you’ll be in a better position to give it to yourself.

So, what do people actually want?

Before we can answer this question at a deep level, we must cover the surface level and see what types of things people are attracted to. What types of things people are addicted to.

By understanding the surface level attractions and addictions, we can pull apart the layers. And see what common pattern all these attractions and addictions give rise to.

So what are people addicted to? Well, there’s many addictions.

  • Drug & alcohol addiction

  • Sex addiction

  • Work addiction

  • Porn addiction

  • Food addiction

These are some of the main addictions characterizing modern society.

But what about attractions?

On the surface level, what do people want from life? What do people spend their life chasing? What do people seek?

  • $$$s

  • Love (Deep Connection/Relationships)

  • Great health

  • Peace of mind

Those are the main attractions, right?

It’s what drives a lot of human behavior on the surface, right?

For sure.

Now that we’ve covered addictions and attractions, let’s also analyze:

What do people buy? Not things they have to buy to survive (such as food, water, shelter), but what do they spend their disposable income on? This gives us much more insight into someone’s true motivations.

People spend their disposable income on:

  • Nice clothes

  • Entertainment & experiences (i.e. concerts)

  • Travel

  • Partying

  • Nice cars/homes

  • Etc.

Okay cool. Now let’s cover one last point before we kick start our analysis and birth the mother of all insights.

What are people intrinsically motivated by?

  • To actualize their potential/make something out of themselves

  • To feel peace

  • To live a life true to themselves

  • To enjoy life

  • To give and receive love

  • Etc.

You get the point. Now that we’ve covered the surface level addictions, attractions, where people spend their disposable income, and what they’re intrinsically motivated by we have a rough understanding of what people seek. Nothing specific, but just a rough understanding.

With me so far? Sure hope so!

Okay now let’s dig a little deeper and ask ourselves:

What do all these things have in common?

What’s the common pattern hidden inside these things?

What connects drug addiction to $$$s to concerts to actualizing your potential?

Here is where a lot of people get stuck.

They see no common pattern between drug or porn addiction and $$$s or peace of mind.

They think all these actions have different underlying motivations.

But they really don’t because what you gain from each of these things is more similar than different.

To illustrate, let me break down a few things for you. (After I do, I’ll reveal the underlying truth that motivates each of these behaviors and maybe you’ll see it and generate a huge ‘AH-HA’ moment.)

What do people seek from drugs?

"They seek a high, dummy!"

No doubt. But what does the high give them?

  • Pure presence, oneness with the moment

  • Liberation from past and future

  • Feelings of joy/ecstasy/love

  • Mental freedom/escape from self (liberation from their current life/identity, plus freedom from conceptions & labels)

  • A more empowered state of being

And you see this too, don’t you?

When you are under the influence, you usually (at least temporarily) feel more alive, confident, social, loving with little-to-no stress, worries, self-doubts and fears.


Now, what does porn give you?

  • Pure presence, oneness with the moment

  • Liberation from past and future

  • Feelings of joy/ecstasy/love

  • Mental freedom/escape from self (liberation from their current life/identity, plus freedom from conceptions & labels)

  • A more empowered state of being

What do people suffering from food addiction experience when they eat?

  • Pure presence, oneness with the moment

  • Liberation from past and future

  • Feelings of joy/ecstasy/love

  • Mental freedom/escape from self (liberation from their current life/identity, plus freedom from conceptions & labels)

  • A more empowered state of being

Nobody who is addicted to drugs, food, porn, sex, whatever is doing it because it gives them bad feelings upfront.

They’re addicted because it’s giving them what they secretly long for whether they realize it or not.

But that’s just the beginning, so let’s keep it moving.

What do people who pursue $$$s seek?

Not what they actually get.

But what do they *think* they’ll get from $$$s?

  • Complete freedom to do as they please (liberation)

  • Safety & security (mental freedom - no more being bogged down by stressors and worries of the past/future)

  • Power (more empowered state of being)

  • Greater enjoyment of life (feelings of joy/ecstasy/love)

What about people who chase love and want to find the one?

What do they *think* they’ll get out of it?

  • Pure presence, sense of coming alive

  • Someone who sees them truly & loves them deeply (unconditional love)

  • Safety & security (mental freedom - no more being bogged down by stressors and worries)

  • Power (more empowered state of being. How high do you feel when you’re in love? Very high. A newfound level of power)

  • Greater enjoyment of life (feelings of joy/ecstasy/love)

  • Connection (feelings of oneness)

What about people who spend money on concerts & experiences?

What do they seek?

  • Pure presence, oneness with the moment

  • Liberation from past and future

  • Feelings of joy/ecstasy/love

  • Mental freedom/escape from self (liberation from their current life/identity, plus freedom from conceptions & labels)

  • A more empowered state of being

Have you ever been to a concert and felt really alive?

Where you completely forgot about all your troubles and worries?

Instead you became one with the moment, danced your face off, felt such love and joy and were empowered?

That’s what you were really buying with your $200 ticket.

Whether you realized it or not.

So what does this all mean? And more importantly, what do people actually seek and how can you help deliver this to them?

Well, just think about it.

I’ve broken down many "different" surface level addictions and attractions and explained the underlying motives.

All the underlying motives are pretty much the same:

  • Pure presence, oneness with the moment

  • Liberation from past and future

  • Feelings of joy/ecstasy/unconditional love

  • Mental freedom/escape from self (liberation from their current life/identity, plus freedom from conceptions & labels)

  • A more empowered state of being

What do those underlying motives remind you of?

Think about it.

What do these underlying motives give rise to?

These underlying motives are characteristics of your true nature, my friend. Your true nature as a self-actualized being who has returned back to Source.

Some people call your true nature God.

Others call it Unconditional Love.

Others call it Nothingness.

Others call it the Universe.

Others call it Infinity.

I don’t know what to call it.

But what is obvious is your true nature is not that of a limited being.

Your true nature is that of Infinity (the entire Universe).

And when you took birth as a human being, you temporarily ceased being Infinity and became a piece of the Universe so you could experience your creation fully and truly.

Everything you see around you is You. Deep down you know it.

And what’s even more important to understand is everything you do in life whether it’s hustling for 12 hours, chasing crazy dreams, drinking alcohol, buying products to make yourself feel better, pursuing love, dancing at raves…

… is all an effort you’re making to return back to your true nature.

Everything you’re doing is unconsciously motivated by your underlying desire to return back to Source. You crave the feelings that waking up to your true nature gives you (whether you realize it or not).

That’s why everything you seek is designed to deliver unto you:

  • Pure presence, oneness with the moment

  • Liberation from past and future

  • Feelings of joy/ecstasy/unconditional love

  • Mental freedom/escape from self (liberation from their current life/identity, plus freedom from conceptions & labels)

  • A more empowered state of being

Because that’s who you are. An Infinite Being.

These are all characteristics of your true nature.

And you know it (it’s why you’re attracted to everything we discussed today).

Only issue is…

You look for your true nature in temporary ‘external’ thrills.

In money making. In relationships. In drugs. In food. In porn.

Not knowing you already are that which you’re looking for.

That’s the greatest irony of it all.

And if you look at marketing…

If you look at how products are sold to you…

If you look at how we position our products…

You’ll see this clear as day.

Really smart marketers know what you’re chasing is not a product.

You’re chasing a return back to your true nature.

You’re chasing:

  • Pure presence, oneness with the moment

  • Liberation from past and future

  • Feelings of joy/ecstasy/unconditional love

  • Mental freedom/escape from self (liberation from their current life/identity, plus freedom from conceptions & labels)

  • A more empowered state of being

This is why…

Corona does not sell a beer. They sell a relaxing, joyful day at the beach full of pure presence and oneness with the moment.

Coke does not sell sugar water. They sell feelings of happiness, connection, liberation and joy (watch any Coke commercial on YouTube. You’ll see it).

Cirque Du Soleil does not sell a circus. They sell feelings of pure presence, liberation from all your bullshit worries & stressors, feelings of joy and ecstasy and love.

Tinder does not sell a dating app. They sell feelings of connection (oneness), ecstasy, love, power.

Heck even the Dental Floss I bought the other day wasn’t selling dental floss. It was selling feelings of connection and love with its marketing slogan: "Life opens up when you do."

Do you see it?

"Yes, but what do I do with all this information?"

2 things.

1. If you want to get rich in business, stop selling products. Start selling and scaling love and/or feelings that remind people of their true nature. Love is your true nature. Unconditional love. Any product that creates temporary feelings of love/joy/presence/liberation will lead to an overwhelming number of customers.

If you don’t believe me, look at Apple. They didn’t grow to the level they did by selling Macbooks and iPhones. They grew by delivering that feeling you experience when you open up the packaging of a new Apple product. What is that feeling? And how can you package it up and sell it at scale? That’s what you need to ask yourself.

2. Wake up to your true desire. Understand that you can make all the money in the world, go on all the adventures you seek, experience all the thrills you desire, but all that will give you temporary connection back to your true nature.

Here one day, gone the next. And will forever keep you in chase mode.

This is why some people never get enough.

Take drug addicts for example. Everybody knows the first high you feel is the greatest and from there a drug addict is always chasing that first high (but never gets it).

Everybody knows the first $1 you make online delivers the greatest high. And from then on you’re always chasing that first high (but never get it).

Everybody knows this.

But what most people don’t know is you don’t find permanent connection back to your true nature through external means (which is what you’re truly seeking in everything you do). All that is a game. An artificial world.

You gain permanent connection back to your true nature by going inside yourself. And doing the inner work.

Ironically when you do, you find making money, going on adventures, enjoying new experiences not only becomes 10000x easier, but also much much more enjoyable.

Because now you don’t need anything from it, so you can actually enjoy it.

Such is why if you go your entire life never learning this…

You’ll never grow rich in business (because you’ll stay selling products and services instead of what people truly seek).

And more importantly:

You’ll never grow spiritually (because you’ll keep chasing things outside yourself not knowing what you truly seek is hidden inside you).

And I hope by now, you’re starting to see this.

Your friend,


P.S. Hardly any marketer would ever tell you this. Why? When you realize everything you’re searching for externally is actually inside yourself, what do you think happens? You stop buying shit. And when you stop buying shit, guess what? Marketers (like me) don’t make money.

The jig is up.

So why did I tell you?

1. I want to keep you from making the greatest mistake of your life. Which is jumping from goal to goal, thinking what you seek is outside yourself. Only to get it but never feel complete.

What you seek is inside yourself. Find that and you can have anything you desire (externally).

Oddly enough, once you can have it, you won’t want it because the thrills from the inside are 100000000x greater than any thrills that come through external means. Haha.

2. So you can live a FULL life. The feeling you have inside you to actualize your full potential isn’t telling you to get rich beyond belief, get successful beyond belief, get status beyond belief (believe it or not). All those things are cool. Nothing wrong with them. But I know people who have all those things, but still feel like they haven’t lived up to 1% of their potential. Why?

Because one doesn’t actualize their full potential by doing.

But through being and returning back to their true nature.

Anything short of that falls short of you actualizing your full potential.

And you already know this.

It’s why when you achieve any goal (no matter how big or small), you eventually realize "this wasn’t it."

3. You can make money yourself. The funny thing about money is when you don’t have it, you think it’ll solve all your problems. And having money is absolutely fantastic. But you don’t realize the truth until you make money in bunches. So I want you to make money in bunches. That’s why I revealed the true nature guiding everybody’s behavior (whether they realize it or not), so you can make money in bunches.

I’ve read all the marketing books, but I haven’t found one that said:

"People buy products that temporarily remind/take them back to their true nature. That temporarily connects them back to Source. Create those products, deliver those underlying feelings better than your competitors and scale/touch every heart on the planet to get filthy rich."

But if you just knew and understood that…

Oh man.

The world is yours and everything in it.

Ironically enough, once you gain the world and everything in it.

You’ll realize:

The world was always yourself and everything in it.

Even when you didn’t have shit.

Or at least, that’s what I’ve started to realize.

Thanks for reading!

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